101 things about me

1. My middle name is June, after my Dad’s Mum who died just 3 weeks before my mum was supposed to meet her.

2. I was born on the 25th of June, making my half birthday Christmas Day and the perfect distribution of presents throughout the year.

3. I can always find something nice to say to someone, even if I don’t like them.

4. I was born and raised in the city, but now live in the country. It’s grown on me but I still hate mud.

5. I am a massive nerd and know all sorts of crap which makes me a champ at pub quizzes.

6. My laugh MAKES people laugh.

7. Is my favourite number.

8. I can only raise my left eyebrow, but it looks pretty cool.

9. I’m a Christian, but not a preachy one, I just try to live a good life without hurting too many people in the process.

10.My great-great uncle survived the Battle of the Somme.

11. When I was a new-born, my brother sneezed cocoa-pops all over me and my new cot.

12. He is 8 years older than me, which meant I had a tough time winning anything as a child.

13. I’m not posh. I am articulate!

14. I love Britcoms.

15. I actually believe that dreams can CAN come true.

16. I care very little about what people think of me. Unless its someone I love, then I care very much.

17. My mum is my hero.

18. There’s just something special about writing with a fountain pen, I love it.

19. I like reading poetry.

20. Autumn is my favourite season!

21. Me and my family hardly ever play board games as we all cheat outrageously! (Including hiding scrabble letters in our socks)

22. I often dream about being Queen.

23. My favourite colour is purple. Violet, Magenta and Plum especially.

24. I would love to visit India. Just because of the food and wildlife, I’m not keen on the heat and busyness bit.

25. I have an eclectic taste in music. All genres but not all songs, there IS a difference.

26. I have known my best friend since nursery. We like to think that we’ll go to the same nursing home too.

27. I wear size 6 shoe. Size 12 clothes.

28. I can’t be in a car without music. And I WILL sing along. Loudly.

29. I played Mary in the school nativity. But I forgot to bring the Baby Jesus onto stage. Bit vital.

30. I love warm rain. I can’t help but smile.

31. My blood type is A

32. I fold over forwards in my sleep.

33. I can’t cope with grief.

34. Some people laugh at me when I’m actually being serious. It’s annoying.

35. I feel angry at people who swear in public or in front of children, despite sometimes doing it myself.

36. I have three nicknames; Small, Ameel and Pink

37. I’m a bit of a hoarder, thinking that I might need useless things later in life. I rarely do.

38. If I see something I like, I’ll wrestle with myself if I need it or not, but then end up getting it anyway.

39. I hate waste. Time, food, lives, whatever. Don’t waste it.

40. But I don’t want to live until I’m 100. I think I’ll have lived my life by then.

41. I love words, and playing around with them. My mum does too. Hilarity usually follows.

42. I love to write. Hence why I started this blog!

43. I’m not a very tidy person at home. But then I abhor litter in the streets and chairs that aren’t tucked in properly.

44. I’m an acoustic learner.

45. I also have mild synthesia.

46.When I was little I used to love to hide. Under my bed and then den at the bottom of my garden were the favourites.

47. I like to play video games.

48. I have 3 email addresses that I use for different things.

49. I always get stuck in the weird part of youtube. Watching tornados and “slender man” reactions. I mean, why?!

50. One of my favourite things to see are the swallows lining up on wires, getting ready to migrate. They travel 5000 miles just to reach summer. I just find that amazing.

51. My favourite smell is hyacinths.

52. I always try to watch the sunset. Wherever I am and whatever I’m doing.

53. As a 6 year old I started my own perfume business. This involved crushing up flowers in water then attempting to sell it. I sold one bottle, to my mum. And then got moved along by the police for not having a licence.

54. I’m hard on myself when I don’t get the results I want.

55. I have NO respect for men who beat up their girlfriends or wives. Shame on you!

56. I read every night before going to bed, even if it’s just a few lines.

57. I am an excellent procrastinator and is very easily distracted by whatever is happening outside. But I am not an outside person. The outside was created for something to look at when you’ve stopped reading for a minute.

58. I am very loyal to my friends and I am annoyed if it isn’t returned.

59. When going up or down a long flight of stairs I can’t walk in a straight line. I sway.

60.My glass isn’t half-full or half-empty. I’m just damn glad I’ve got a bloody glass and something to put in it.

61.I have never had braces or  a single filling in my teeth. What a good girl.

62. I do not believe in aliens.

63. I feel very sorry f0r Marie Antoinette. She just didn’t realise how bad it was.

64. Whenever I see the painting “Old Man in Sorrow” by Vincent van Gogh, my heart physically aches. It just shows the uncertainty that we all live in.

65. I dust my house plants. I  like the leaves to shine, is that so bad?

66. I’m afraid of swimming in the sea. I scream the beach down if I go too far out. Also I don’t like boats. Argh.

67. I had really bad croup as a baby and nearly died on Christmas Eve. Obviously I didn’t. Duh.

68. My guilty pleasure is new gloves, I don’t know why.

69. I like change, for the better.

70. My motto is “when it is raining, look for rainbows, and when it is dark, look for stars”

71. I was born in the chinese year of the rat. And my birthstone is a pearl.

72. I’m often told I act older than my age. Now where’s my pipe and slippers?!

73. I can play the violin and piano.

74. I am 5″4.

75. I can speak English, French and Spanish. Also understand a fair bit of Latin.

76. Candle light makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Same goes for the open fire. Especially if marshmallows are involved. Mmmm…

77. I love to doodle stars and hearts in the corner of my paper. Not good for when I’m supposed to be taking notes!

78. Tuesdays child is full of grace.

79. I wear Cacharel, Amor Amor perfume.

80. If I was rich. I would spend it.

81. I want to have a road trip across America with my friend. That would be epic.

82. I am right handed with swirly/scruffy writing.

83. I’m always cold, but then suddenly get too hot, and it hurts.

84. I like to think that I’m good at crosswords. I’m not, I have to google.

85. I have a decent singing voice. But i ain’t singing in public.

86. I used to be a tap and ballet dancer.

87. I’m a drama queen.

89.Racism, sexism, ect. Not acceptable, it makes me feel hurt that people can be so nasty.

90. I wear glasses for reading and concentrating.

91. I am interested in fashion, my friends may disagree with the state I’m sometimes in.

92. I adore mango.

93. I’ve never had a long term boyfriend but have found I’m happier single. For now.

94. I am scared of the dark.

95. I always forgive but never forget.

96. I read Deathly Hallows in 2 days.

97. But my favourite book is Mr God this is Anna by Finn. I laugh/cried at the end.

98. I keep a notebook by my bed and in my bag in case any ideas come to me.

99. I sometimes randomly speak with a Devon accent. Especially when I’m impatient.

100. Gothic and Political Literature fascinates me.

101. I am very lucky in raffles. I once had to put things BACK because I’d won all the prizes.

Now you know my secrets. Just don’t spread them round.

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