Here we go again

Yesterday, after eating my advent chocolate (yep you heard) I realised that suddenly, we are well into December. Wow, did I blink? It’s almost the end of the year, again.

Don’t get me wrong but christmas is the best, most exciting part of the year for me. I get a warm fuzzy feeling whenever I get a whiff of cinnamon and eggnog because I know that soon I will be with friends and family, surrounded by goodwill and narcism. Well, that’s what it’s all about though isn’t it?


However, if you are either looking forward to getting hammered and laid at your work ‘do, or putting some tinsel around your dogs collar (I’m guilty of that) don’t forget to remember everything thats happened over the past year. Its been a quickie for me but for some it must have been the longest year ever.

We’ve just recently had the Sandy Hook shootings. It was devastating to discover the live of the innocent have once again been lost to a lunatic. However, America is now reviewing their gun laws, so maybe they didn’t die for nothing, but they shouldn’t have died at all.

Then a couple of months ago there was the New York floods, getting everyone hyped up for the end of the world because it was on the film 2012. Calm down dear, it’s only the bloody Mayans.

What else? Oh yes, the Olympics. I followed it a bit, on and off. I think everyone would be lying if they claimed to have watched every single event. Lots of people I knew had tickets to see their favourite event (or a silly one, just for the sake of going) and said it was ‘amazing’, ‘I’m so honoured to be alive to witness this’ and my old favourite ‘You haven’t heard of this athlete?!’. No, I probably haven’t because I didn’t spend my whole summer glued to the television screen, surprisingly. Although, I’ll admit that the Tour de France was pretty epic. Woop.

Oh in May Osama Bin Laden was found and killed. What a lovely day that was, but then I got sick of all the conspiracy stories that he was actually still alive, because that was apparently obvious (!)

Oh I almost forgot to mention that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting a baby. Whether you love them or hate them, it’s nice to see something positive in the newspapers instead of the doom and gloom that it shoved it my face every time I open the page.


Lots of tragedies and miracles this year, but it’s impossible to say if one outweighs the other. Everyone’s different as they say. I’ve had a fair go at this year but I’ve made plenty of mistakes. Not to say I haven’t learnt from them, but it’s likely that I’ll be making pretty much the same next year.

Well, I’ll drink to that. Happy new year!

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